
Apple brings far-reaching benefits to state

凯南研究所首席经济学家杰拉尔德. 科恩预测,科技巨头苹果公司入驻三角研究园区将产生积极影响.

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今年4月,这家总部位于加州的公司推出了iPhone和Macintosh电脑 announced that it was building a new campus 和工程中心将于2023年在三角研究园建成,000 new high-paying jobs to the region.

ag真人娱乐州商务部称,苹果公司收到了一份 Job Development Investment Grant of up to $845.8 million spread over 39 years. 作为交换,该项目预计将使该州的经济增长近79美元.80亿美元,3000个新工作岗位创造了1亿美元.97 billion in new tax revenues.

Gerald Cohen

Gerald Cohen

As part of the incentives package Apple accepted from the state, the jobs will offer salaries that average $187,001. 但这家科技巨头对当地和该州经济的影响远远超出了新员工的工资, says Gerald D. Cohen他是凯南私营企业研究所的首席经济学家.

“创造高质量就业机会的网络效应,以及劳动力在社区消费的乘数效应, 然后你就有了一种投资效应,它与其他两个很好地吻合,” Cohen said. “You’re creating a workforce of the future, a well-educated, 有联系的劳动力可以找到工作,并为社区带来更多投资.”

Cohen, who recently relocated to North Carolina from New Jersey, 曾在公共和私营部门工作,专注于金融市场和经济基本面之间的交集. In the Obama administration, 科恩帮助制定和评估了政策提案对美国经济的影响.S. 担任美国国务院负责宏观经济分析的副助理国务卿.S. Department of Treasury.


What is the “network effect” of Apple’s new jobs?

苹果对RTP的承诺说明这里有高质量的人才, and it causes other businesses to come because they say, “Oh, this is a location which has a great talent pool. Let’s go there. 他们也有教育机构可以帮助我们开发这些资源. 从这里的大学毕业的人会想留在这个地区, so we can hire them, and they won’t have to move.”

What is the “multiplier effect”?

苹果新员工的涌入将带来更多的就业机会. 更多的苹果员工意味着他们将去当地的餐馆、超市和汽车经销商, for example. And those places will need to hire more people. 苹果员工去的餐厅的员工会去其他餐厅、超市、汽车经销商等等, 所以这种涟漪效应或乘数效应是非常有益的. 你也更有可能看到更多RDU和加州之间的直飞航班, especially northern California, where Apple has its headquarters, and maybe more international destinations.


是的,这笔资金的注入应该会提高当地的平均最低工资或市场工资. 如果你有高薪水的人进来花钱, 这就意味着餐馆工人的工资会上涨. And so the market will push those minimum wages higher. 大多数经济学家认为,最好的政策不是政府设定最低工资. It’s the market setting that minimum wage.

two workers in clean room suits


What will be the impact on the local housing market?

高工资工人的涌入将给该地区的房价带来上行压力,降低住房负担能力. Unfortunately, 积极的乘数效应可能不足以维持一些低收入家庭的负担能力, which means longer and more expensive commutes.


这些都是苹果对社区的投资. And again, 这些都是非常重要或有益的,因为它们有助于促进教育, 连通性——所有经济学家认为有助于建立积极经济成果的东西. So if you have better educational systems, if people have connectivity, 这让人们有了工作,提高了人们的生活水平.


I haven’t done the math on this, 所以我无法确认ag真人娱乐州商务部的数据. 但他们的估计表明,这些好处明显高于他们提供的税收减免的成本.

然而,激励措施的部分挑战在于,它变成了地区之间的竞争. And companies are going to play regions off against each other. They’re going to try to get the best deal. If we had better coordination between local governments, you probably would get better deals at lower costs. 但竞争促使各地区努力提高效率. That’s the benefit of competition. 竞争的代价是,你可以玩这个游戏,你可以不断地增加税收减免, and it costs governments more and they get into bidding wars.